October 17, 2024

” what fans should know about the Harry Styles film ” | Express News Pro

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Following Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Cinematic Universe ventured into new territory. 

Without a clear narrative direction, the franchise explored TV shows and films that deviated from the usual MCU formula. Among these was Eternals, a millennia-spanning epic directed by Oscar-winner Chloe Zhao.

While the pivotal event from Eternals will be acknowledged, many other unresolved plot points could and should be explored in future films, even if not in an Eternals sequel. 

A mid-credits scene introduced Harry Styles as Eros and his sidekick, Pip the Troll. Two and a half years later, these characters have yet to appear in the MCU’s future.

Kevin Feige told Inverse that “there are no immediate plans for Eternals 2.” 

“There are, and I think you’ve seen maybe in a trailer we’ve released recently, an acknowledgment of some of those events. Certain giant things came out of the ocean.”

Feige is alluding to the recent Captain America: Brave New World trailer, which briefly shows a battle over Tiamut Island, the landmass formed when the Eternals defeated a colossal Celestial emerging from Earth’s core. There is speculation that the conflict over Tiamut’s remains and its resources will be a key plot point in the upcoming sequel.

While the pivotal event from Eternals will be acknowledged, many other unresolved plot points could and should be explored in future films, even if not in an Eternals sequel. A mid-credits scene introduced Harry Styles as Eros and his sidekick, Pip the Troll. Two and a half years later, these characters have yet to appear in the MCU’s future.

The post-credits scene of Eternals went even further, suggesting that Kit Harington’s character, Dane Whitman, will become the Black Knight. He is shown holding his family heirloom, the Ebony Blade, while Mahershala Ali’s Blade’s voice questions if he can manage it.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has its work cut out keeping every story thread connected. Captain America: Brave New World and the (hopefully) upcoming Blade will address some of these issues, but plenty of plots still need to be attended to. You can’t just drop Harry Styles into the MCU and then never mention him again.

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